
Public Health Corner

June: 2014

National Immunization Awareness month
Hepatitis Awareness Month



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Steering Committee

JANUARY 24, 2020 
N.B The SC meeting is aiming at getting feedback from the members and have a final presentation from Leela regarding the need assessment.

The Reach US Haitian Diabetes Steering Committee (HDSC) is a group of individuals responsible for providing guidance and technical assistance and related matters affecting the coordination and implementation of the CDC Metro Boston Reach US Action Committee Haitian Diabetes program as a whole.

HDSC's vision is to address and overcome the unique causes of health disparities as it relates to Diabetes in the Haitian community. HDSC will help bring positive changes in the Greater Boston area in terms of access to healthcare and reducing health disparities, particularly in terms of preventing Diabetes and reducing complications related to Diabetes. The grant program will help identify key barriers that prohibit access to healthcare and find ways to overcome these barriers

HDSC is a coalition of individuals and organizations in the Haitian community that have come together in order to adopt strategies to eliminate institutional racism in public health and community systems and create opportunity for everyone to attain his or her full health potential.

HDSC is comprised Executive Board of (1) Chair person, (2) Vice chair, (1) Secretary * Subcommittee (7)groups: Faith-Based, Fitness/Nutrition, Clinical, Psychosocial, Media, Liaison Connector, Consumers

Regular meetings of this coalition is been held on the first Saturday of every month at 9:00AM.


Steering Committe Members
Executive Members
Riche Zamor
Vice Chair
Jeanne Meus
Carline Desire
Michele Martin
Steering Sub-Committees
Alfred Mombeleur
Pierre Zephir
Tom Murray
Kathy Cunningham
Jean Bonnet
Michelle Martin
Patricia Hanrahan
Jeanty Georgette
Gemima St. Louis
Jeanine Anzalota
Canes Iclophat
Alfred Mombleur
Valerie Jackson
Reggie Daniel
Liaison Connector
Valerie Jackson
Jean Bonnet
Tom Murray
Vincent Jean-Lamarre
Jean Robert Resil
Gladys Merisier
Cassius Eliozar
Edwidge Dodieu
Yolene Blanc


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